
Logo version 2.2

I reworked the original drawing for your purview. Please see my reply to Fran's discussion and give feedback--I don't want to railroad my own bias through without consensus.

%#&!! I created the picture in adobe acrobat and I can't figure out how to upload it here. I will send it via the google group.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the new logo and it rocks! We want to do a series...big wall poster size, and then do one with the statue of liberty (for the farmers, and for all of us) where she's also cranking up the earth... can you do that? And, again, Scott wants the brake cable hanger. We've all commented on what a beautiful artist you are and how lucky we are to have you!! Thank you, and thank goodness you have a lot of time on your hands. :) fw
